Лицензия Министерства образования РФ №1935 от 15.02.2016 г.| Свидетельство о государственной аккредитации 90А01 № 0003577 выдано Рособрнадзором 20.03.2020 г., рег. № 3361
Миссия РМАТ | Миссия программы РМАТ для подготовки бакалавров менеджмента туризма по гостеприимству

Профессор Сорбонны читает лекции студентам Московского филиала РМАТ

Профессор Жан-Мишель Тобелем (Jean-Michel Tobelem) из Парижского Университета Сорбонна прочел студентам «Ватель Москва» лекции на темы «The role of culture for tourist destinations: assessing the French example» и «Marketing an archeological site: the case of MuséoParc Alésia in Burgundy».

«Jean-Michel TOBELEM is the director of Option Culture (studies & research Institute). He is an associate professor at Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne University and teaches at the École du Louvre (Paris). He has a PhD in Management and he is accredited to supervise doctoral theses. Heis a graduate of the Paris Institute of Political Sciences (Sciences Po), graduated in Public Law, and holds a Lavoisier Fellowship from the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs. A former member of the board of the INTERCOM (management) committee of ICOM (International Council of Museums), he is the author or editor of several books and numerous articles on cultural and museum management, and the director of the series “Cultural Management” at l’Harmattan. He is the editor of a blog dealing with cultural management issues (www.option-culture.com) and a member of the editorial board of the international journal Museum Management & Curatorship. Jean-Michel Tobelem has lectured in countries like England, Columbia, Thailand, Canada, Egypt, Belgium, Spain, Lithuania, Greece, Switzerland, Palestine, Morocco, and Italy».


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